The performing arts, being rooted in time, are very much of the present. Be it theatre, dance or performance: what was elaborated and rehearsed in the past is recreated at the moment of performance. It can go well or badly, can compel, irritate, entertain the audience or leave it cold. As a festival presenting over 100 productions in 18 days, the Theater Spektakel is a renowned, albeit temporary, platform for contemporary international theatre and dance. The ZKB Patronage Prize, established in 1996 by the Zürcher Kantonalbank and the Theater Spektakel, has given the festival’s transient nature a remarkable expansion into the future. The prize of 30 0000 Swiss Francs is awarded annually to a young, innovative company and is explicitly conceived as a contribution towards a future production.

While festival programming focuses on works created to date, awarding a patronage prize requires the capacity to envision the creative potential of a solo artist or company. By nominating five to seven productions each year, we create a window to the future within the festival while placing special emphasis on promising newcomers. In the past twelve years, the denotation «Nominated for the ZKB Patronage Prize» has become a useful tool in directing the audience’s attention to the works of hitherto little-known artists.

As with weather forecasts, artistic forecasts come with a certain risk and responsibility. That is why this task is entrusted to a panel of experienced and reputable judges each year. While the hit rate of meteorological forecasts is very high in the short-run but sinks rapidly in the long term, a glance at the list of former prize-winners reveals that the jury’s decisions have been confirmed in the long-run. Many of those young

unknowns have since become internationally successful artists and companies.

The Zürcher Kantonalbank and the festival board are pleased to open up yet another window to the future and look forward to glimpsing through it with you.

Ancient prize winners

2008 Patronage Prize: Le Boustrophédon, France: Court-miracles; Acknowledgement Prize: CulturArte, Moçambique: Mafalala 2.

Patronage Prize: Young Jean Lee's Theater Company, Corea/USA: Songs of the Dragons Flying to Heaven; Acknowledgement Prize: Back to Back Theatre, Australia: Small Metal Objects.

2006 Patronage Prize: Zuhe Niao, China: Tongue's Memoy of Home; Acknowledgement Prize: Elevator Repair Service, USA: Gatz

2005 Patronage Prize: Richard Maxwell, USA: Good Samaritans; Acknowledgement Prize: Hassan Madjooni, Actor, Mehr Theatre Iran: Amid the Cloud from Amir Reza Koohestani.

2004 Patronage Prize: Living Dance Studio, VR China: Report on Body; Acknowledgement Prize: Wayne Traub, Belgium: Maria Dolores: Wayne Wash I

2003 Patronage Prize: Museum of Modern Oddities, Katy Bowman & Neil Thomas, Australia: Odd Hours; Acknowledgement Prize: Nuri Harun Ates, Turkey: Countertenor in Mustafa Avkirans Neos Cosmos 3+3+963

2002 Patronage Prize: Sarah Michelson, USA: Group Experience; Acknowledgement Prize: Kolypan, Switzerland: Die Vladimir-Show

2001 L’alakran, Switzerland: Der spanische Metzger; Anerkennungspreis: Aydin Teker, Türkei: Density

2000 400asa, Switzerland: Medeää ex aequo with Marcela Soltan; Actress BlackSkyWhite Theatre, Russland

1999 Marco Berrettini, France: Sturmwetter prépare l'an d'Emile ex aequo with Gilles Jobin, Schweiz: Braindance

1998 Huis aan de Amstel, Niederlande, Fast gelungen; Acknowledgement Prize für Enzo Scanzi, Actor, Switzerland

1997 Stefan Pucher, Germany: Dreamcity

1996 Smadar Yaaron, Actress Akko Theater Zentrum, Israel: Arbeit macht frei from Toitland Europa ex aequo with Alias Compagnie, Switzerland: Moving a Perhaps